Dr. Leon Kellerhals visited our group between 11. March and 15. March in 2024.
Foundations of Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Welcome to the Foundations of Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence research group at TU Clausthal! We are a team of researchers passionate about exploring and advancing various areas of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.
Our research interests span a wide range of topics, including rank aggregation and voting, judgment aggregation, stable matching and cooperative games, fair division of goods, privacy-preserving data publishing, social aspects such as the influence of social networks and strategic behavior, and fairness-over-time aspects modelled via multi-layer problems. We use a variety of research methods, including algorithm development and implementation, multivariate algorithmics and parameterized complexity. We develop and analyze theoretical models describing real-world phenomena, introduce characterizations or fairness and soluton concept, and analyse dynamics and stability of decision processes. We aim to combine theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation.
The group website was created partially with help of AI Tools (ChatGPT, dall-e).